Principle Measurements for Crack Depth Meter RMG4015
You are looking for the Karl Deutch of Germany easy-to-use ACPotential Drop (ACPD) instrument to measure the depth of surface cracks in metals which you have detected by e.g. Magnetic Particle Testing (MPI) or Penetrant Testing (PT)? You want to evaluate the extension, the orientation or the inclination angle of the crack so you are able to make a decision on a possible rework on the specimen? Or you want to monitor the growth of a crack with increasing operation time?
Then we recommend the crack depth gauge RMG 4015.
Advantages of the Crack Depth Meter RMG-4015;
Since alternating current (AC) is used by the RMG4015, the measurement takes advantage of the skin effect: The current is urged to flow close to the surface and thus follows the contour of the crack to a great extent. An additional advantage: Due to low pulsed current the required result is achieved and possible burnt contact spots on the specimen can be avoided. Karl Deutsch’s RMG 4015, battery-operated handheld unit combines current generation, ACPD measurement technique and microprocessor-based evaluation and can be taken along conveniently to any job site. The RMG4015 is optimized for the use on steel, iron and austenitic material. A material specific calibration adapts the instrument to distinct electrical and magnetic properties. For this purpose the RMG-4015 offers various calibration methods: In the simplest case it is sufficient to execute a comparison measurement at a crack-free spot of the specimen. Higher precision is achieved by means of a comparison measurement at a reference notch with a depth close to the expected crack depth. A multiple point calibration over reference notches with varying depth covering the whole measuring range leads to the best results. For some difficult applications it could be possible to adapt a special probe to specific requirements (on request).