X-ray spectrometer for non-destructive thickness measurement and material analysis on small components
The FISCHERSCOPE X-RAY XULM instruments are compact and universally applicable energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometers. They are well suited for nondestructive thickness measurements and material analysis on small components.
To create ideal excitation conditions for every measurement, the XULM features electrically changeable apertures and primary filters.
A high count rate is achieved by using a proportional counter tube, which allows for precise measurements. Using the Fischer fundamental parameter method, coating systems as well as solid and liquid samples can be analyzed standard-free. Elements in the range from chlorine (17) to uranium (92) are detected.
The XULM x-ray spectrometers have an excellent long-term stability, which among other things is reflected in a significantly reduced calibration effort.
The instruments are well suited for measurements in quality assurance, incoming inspection and process control.
Typical areas of application are:
- Measurements on very small parts, plug contacts and wires
- Manual measurements on pc-boards
- Measurements in the jewelry and watch industries