Karl Deutsch has decades of experience on automated ultrasonic testing systems, mostly used for the inspection of bars, tubes, rails, billets, pressure cylinders and automotive components.
The newly presented digital multi-channel ultrasonic electronics, type ECHOGRAPH 1092, is of modular and costefficient but powerful design and perfectly suitable for small-scale systems. For each testing channel, one separate ultrasonic module with A-scan representation is used. The signal evaluation uses two independent flaw gates. An echotrigger mode for immersion testing is provided. Fast testing applications can be realised due to the high PRF (pulse repetition frequency) of up to 4 kHz. Important measurement values such as amplitude and sound travel time are displayed on the right side within the A-scan. Various colour combinations for A-scan and the operator menus and also the possibility to fill the echoes allow for a high-contrast representation also for difficult viewing conditions.