ATS Series 2100 Direct Load Creep Testing Systems offer an economical solution to performing direct load creep and stress rupture testing per ASTM requirements. Currently, ATS produces three distinct lines of direct load test frames. The operation of each model can be greatly enhanced with the optional WinCCS II computer control and data acquisition software package. (See Bulletin 2020 for more information.)
For high-volume, medium-capacity testing, the Model 2115 Multi-Station Direct Load Creep Tester is ideal. A compact frame with four, six, or eight independently-controlled test stations provides ample testing capacity and maximum versatility while conserving valuable laboratory space. Standard load capacity is 400 lbf. (1.7kN) per station. Optional accessories include high-temperature furnaces, ovens/cooling chambers, extensometers, displacement transducers, pneumatic weight elevators, compression test fixtures, cyclic load systems, calibrated load weights, and more.