GREAT FEATURE of the ECHOGRAPH Flaw detector
The ECHOGRAPH 1095 offers a variety of advanced testing options such as the DGS method with TR probes to determine equivalent reflector sizes.
In addition to the generally used DGS diagrams for straight and angle beam probes, the ECHOGRAPH 1095 also provides special DGS diagrams for a defect size determination with TR probes. A combination with other test methods, such as backwall echo drop, is possible. The very fast gain change during backwall echo drop enables DGS flaw size determination up to 0.1 mm in front of the backwall echo. Age-related wear of the probe wedge can be compensated for by our wizard-supported delay line adjustment.
Pre-set specifics of the ECHOGRAPH probes can be stored with their serial number in a probe database.
By selecting an ECHOGRAPH probe from the database, the data determined by the last delay line adjustment is automatically reused.

The FEREX is the leading portable hand held deep search magnetometer used for the detection of Unexploded Ordinance including Bombs and Mines.
Through a cooperation of BU DS with EOD Academy FOERSTER supports demining activities in Ukraine
FOERSTER has traditionally been involved where people need quick help. Together, our company has already supported some great projects. Therefore, it was clear that the project of the EOD Academy would receive support from FOERSTER. The EOD Academy is the training centre of EMC Kampfmittelbeseitigungs GmbH, which carries out explosive ordnance disposal and trains people in it.
The FOERSTER donation was successfully received by the Special Emergency Service Ukraine (SESU) through Mr. Masche from EMC in Ukraine. Mr. Oleg Bondar, from the board of directors of SESU, expressed his sincere thanks to the Institute Dr. Foerster. According to Mr. Masche, who handed over the equipment, they were very happy about the donation from FOERSTER.
We thank all who contributed to this!