In This Issue:
- Cover Story – Made in the USA, Sealant Testing Instruments
- Special – 20% OFF B200S Yokes from PARKER USA
- News – Detection FOERSTER & GEOMAR / HELMUT FISCHER on Race Track
- Congrats. – Mr Helmut Fischer 90th birthday, Company founder.

Today’s architects and builders demand high-performance, long-lasting sealants.
Applied Test Systems develop & manufacture from their USA site the Series 500 Sealant Testing Machines.
The 500 series is designed to simulate the expansion and contraction of sealant joints In situ, even under extreme conditions of sweltering heat and bitter cold. The 500 series enables the most realistic and accurate test results of your sealant products.
The ATS Series 510
The ATS Series 510 Horizontal Sealant Tester has been designed to test the durability of joint sealants at a constant speed of 1/8” pjh, and in load capacities up to 4.44 kN. It is capable of determining Aymar durability and performing other constant-speed tests per ASTM and U.S. Federal specifications.
User friendly controls housed in a separate cabinet, pre-determining cycle counter with reset, Dial indicator provides precise setting of amplitude, extension, and compression, Design features Include precision stainless steel guide rods, electronic clutch and an optional hand wheel for manual positioning and setup of the test fixture.

The ATS Series 530
Horizontal Sealant Tester is designed to perform Aymar type tests at 1/8” ph or speeds of 1/8~2 ½” pm according to ASTM C910, ASTM C736, ASTM C719, ASTM C1305, US FEDERAL SS-S200, and US FEDERAL TT-S230.
Touchscreen display, advanced controller options and user friendly sample fixtures. When operating with an external freezer, users can easily remove specimens without removing the entire machine.
Series 530 fixtures and controllers are interchangeable – one controller can be used on any Series 530 machine, the fixtures can be easily transferred from one Series 530 to another.

The roofing fixture
For Series 530 Horizontal Sealant Tester has enabled integration to the roofing industry.
With our Software and these fixtures, operators can test polymer-modified bituminous membrane specimens to ASTM D 5849 standards. In Combination with the Series 530, tests can now provide data on classifying polymer-modified bituminous membranes based on their performance related to the fatigue conditions to which they are subjected.

The ATS Series 540
This model Sealant Tester is by far the most versatile system in our line of sealant testing equipment. Designed for load capacities of up to 17.7 kN, all tester functions are accessed and controlled through the touch screen. displacement, speed, cycle count are fully adjustable, numeric displays provide continuous feedback on all test parameters.
The Optional hot/cold chamber featuring precise digital temperature control and liquid N2 or CO2 cooling allows testing to be performed at temperatures ranging from -60°C to 120°C, bench-top test frame with smooth servomotor drive, high level of crosshead speed accuracy (± 0.05% of indicated speed), Unlike conventional UTMs, the Series 540 features dual load rods for even load distribution.
A modified wide specimen fixture is also available for testing to ASTM D5329

20% OFF B200S Yokes
USA Made from PARKER

Now Only $676.00

Ground breaking cooperation agreement between FOERSTER and GEOMAR
The Detection & Security business unit of Institute Dr Foerster has signed a cooperation agreement with GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. GEOMAR is one of the leading ocean research institutes worldwide.
The cooperation is for the integration of FOERSTER measuring instruments and software for the detection of magnetic anomalies in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) systems. The goal is the precise and fully autonomous detection of contaminated sites in dumping areas of the North & Baltic Seas.
Since the North & Baltic Seas are highly polluted, especially with chemical contamination from World War I, the issue of clearing these dumping areas is gaining importance. In addition to the significant negative impacts on the environment and local fish stock from leaking chemical warfare agents, a “cleared” seafloor is also critical in the expansion of wind farms and the laying of submarine cables.
Institute Dr Foerster look forward to a future of supporting GEOMAR in their valuable work of finding and removing these contaminated sites.

Helmut Fischer Measurement Technology Knowledge for the Race Track
Fischer is pleased to support the team of the secondary school Unterrieden, Maichingen, as sponsor in the project “Formula 1 at school”.
In this multidisciplinary, international competition, students construct an approx. 20 cm miniature racing car using CAD software. This racing car is presented to a jury and its driving performance is measured on a short racetrack. The documentation of the technical and organizational processes as well as the oral presentation of the group project are also included in the overall evaluation

Helmut Fischer’s task is to support the four-member team with advice, but especially with action. Thus, Fischer manufacture the wheels, axles, wheel covers and chassis on our high-precision machines. Since 2016, Fischer has been upgrading and optimizing the mini racing cars together with the respective team. The composition of the wheels has emerged as a critical success factor. It started with the attempt to keep the centrifugal force as low as possible. The result was wheels with 5 spokes and a tread thickness of 50µm (as thin as a human hair). The speed of the mini racing cars was enormous, but such a wheel lasted only one or two races. After further development and test phases, we were able to achieve the optimum in speed and reliability together. For strategic reasons, of course, the dimensions remain secret.
In this competition, the journey is not the only goal. Making at least 3rd place in the regional championship and the German championship, you qualify for the World Championship, which takes place in the supporting program of the last Formula 1 race of the year. Fischer is keeping all our fingers crossed for the team – and wish them a good trip to Abu Dhabi!

From Mr Helmut Fischer, the founder of;
Helmut Fischer GMBH Institute for Electronic & Measurement Technology – FISCHER INSTRUMENTS

Dear Customers,
As I celebrate my 90th birthday, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the many wonderful years I have had founding and managing the Helmut Fischer Group.
I founded the Helmut Fischer Company in 1953 from my hometown of Stuttgart Germany, at my young age of only 22, I have dedicated my life to the evolution of Helmut Fischer, its employees and our common goal. From the beginning till now our goal has remained unchanged, that is to develop measuring instruments that add value to our customers by helping them accomplish their measurement & analysis in the best possible way. This vision guides every development of new measurement methods and instruments that support the technical progress of our customers.
Helmut Fischer is deliberately not the loudest brand on the market. This in not only due to our own down-to-earth Swabian culture, rather, we believe actions speak louder than words. Our customers know and trust Fischer as a brand that represents quality and performance. With our first-class customer service, we have been and continue to be the market leader in the field on non-destructive coating thickness and coating analysis instruments.
The development and production of precision high-quality measuring instruments is a prerequisite for Fischer’s success as an instrumentation company. In order to bring this value to customers, a close connection with customers is the vital link. Thus Helmut Fischer has a global network of direct subsidiaries to serve all manufacturing sectors. Under the motto “Think Global – Act Local”, we provide best in-class local support and service from the start through the instruments life.
New technologies and global events will present challenges for every company, thus I believe it is essential Fischer recognize these trends at an early stage, react in a targeted manner and set a course of success by taking appropriate measures.
That is why I am even more pleased and reassured that our managing Director Dr Martin Leibfritz with his years of technical and business experience, is able to confidently manage the Helmut Fischer Group, to continue to grow the company together with our numerous talented employees and distributors. In this way we can continue to make our customer’s world, measurably easier.
Best Regards